Issue Details
Dr. Tripti Arya
Page No. : 8-23
Climate change makes it harder for people to get enough food and stay healthy around the world. Due to the greenhouse effect, as the amount of greenhouse gases in the air goes up, the temperature also goes up. The average global temperature is going up all the time and is expected to go up by 2°C by 2100, which would hurt the global economy in a big way. The amount of CO2, a major component of greenhouse gases, is rising at an alarming rate. This has caused plants to grow faster and make more food because they can do more photosynthesis, but this effect is cancelled out by higher temperatures, which lead to faster crop respiration and evaporation, more pests, a change in weed flora, and shorter crop duration. The number of microbes in the soil and how their enzymes work are also affected by climate change. This paper looks at the information found in the literature about climate change, its possible causes, what might happen in the near future, how it affects agriculture by affecting the physiological and metabolic processes of plants, as well as its possible and reported effects on plant productivity and growth, pest infestation, mitigation strategies and their economic effects.