Decentralised participatory planning at Gram Panchayat level is the
first step towardssustainable rural development. Any interventions in the
direction of rural development must bebased on felt local needs and inclusive.
Ensuring effective participation in the planning processhelps identify needs
and make developmental programmes/ projects inclusive and responsive.Gram Sabha
is the institution to promote public participation in rural local governance.
243G of the Indian Constitution mandates preparation of plans for
economic development andsocial justice by Panchayats. Fourteenth Finance
Commission (FFC) has awarded a substantialgrant of Rs.200292.20 crore
exclusively for the Gram Panchayats to be devolved over a period offive years
starting from FY 2015-16. The guidelines issued by Ministry of Finance for the
releaseand utilisation of the local bodies grant stipulate that proper plans
are to be prepared by the GramPanchayats. In this context, an action research
project in five Gram Panchayats in GharaundaBlock in Karnal district of Haryana
to facilitate people’s participation in the Gram PanchayatDevelopment Planning
and also in the meetings of Gram Sabha was undertaken in the year 2016-2017.
Action research included baseline survey, collaborating with administration and
civilsociety, capacity building of elected representatives and functionaries,
Gram Sabha Mobilisationetc.
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