There are six components that make up the conventional architecture of a computer: the controller, the arithmetic unit, the memory, the storage, the input, and the output. While the speed of access to the memory is quick, the capacity is limited, and data is lost in the event that the power goes out. When a computer loses power, any data that is stored in storage that has a big capacity is not lost; but, the pace at which it may be accessed is slowed down. Because of this, memory and storage are both essential components of conventional design. In the current day, the creation and development of non-volatile random-access memory has provided a significant concept about the combination of two different types of memory into a single entity. A whole new computer architecture that is based on dual-space memory is offered as a result of this knowledge. The shift latch has been built on the hardware in order to implement the new design. This allows for random access to the data that is stored in the terabyte storage area. A comprehensive explanation of the operational philosophy behind this new design may be found in this publication. When compared to the conventional computer system, the benefits of the new computer architecture are finally brought to light.
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