In the modern Indian English Literature, Girish Karnad is known for his bold and innovative experiments. But Girish Karnad is not only known for these experiments, but also known for his concern for women folk and lower class people. Feminine aspects which are relegating in the history of women writing has always been the research point among scholars. In a retrospective assessment of the cultural and social significance of the sixties, Girish Karnad speculated that manners had not been so liberal and expressive since the Mugal rule , with the absence of syphilis compensated for in the morality stakes by the arrival drugs ;indeed, the sex and drugs that seems synonyms with sixties culture were simply elements of a greater phenomenon, the youth culture’s valorization of total freedom greater phenomenon, the youth culture’s colorization of total freedom (or, more precisely, license), of boundless physical and mental sensation, and of a Rousseauistic ‘natural’ goodness unrelated to traditional social mores. Karnad claims, incorporating this mode into a postmodern pastiche, inverts this paradigm. Love is more likely invoke fear and revulsion than tears and sympathy – and is, in its fatal consequences, a study in how not to deport oneself.
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