Issue Details
A Study on The Role of Climate Change in Contemporary Fiction
Ameen Ahammed Odayapurath, Dr. Navjeet Kaur
Page No. : 7-14
Examining how writers portray environmental problems and their effects on people and society, this essay investigates the role of climate change in modern fiction. Literature has become a potent vehicle for considering and resolving the ecological, socio-political, and moral aspects of these global issues as the repercussions of climate change become more apparent in the actual world. This study examines how climate change is portrayed in a few modern novels, not only as an environmental issue but also as a metaphor for more general problems including social injustice, political instability, and moral obligation. This paper examines how climate change is portrayed as both a cause and a result of societal instability by concentrating on works that combine realism, dystopian tales, and speculative fiction. Important topics are examined, including resource shortage, migration, environmental degradation, and human survival in the face of ecological collapse. Additionally, the study looks at how climate fiction, or "cli-fi," shapes public opinion around climate change and how it can affect readers’ views of environmental issues. By this analysis, the study hopes to highlight how important it is for modern fiction to reflect and influence how we perceive climate change, calling for a reconsideration of our relationship with environment and our duty to future generations.