Issue Details
Dr. Tripti Arya
Page No. : 88-96
Climate change is not new, but these emissions significantly affect human employment. The geological record demonstrates that the Earth’s climate has not been consistent and has fluctuated throughout time. It also demonstrates that previous climate change has affected the Earth’s ecology and destroyed ecosystems. Understanding climate change is crucial since it has the potential to alter Earth’s future sustainability. It poses a danger to India, the world’s largest agricultural country. With a population of over 1.2 billion people, India is a vulnerable area. Climate experts estimate a 2.1° to 2.6°C temperature rise by 2050 and a 3.3° to 3.8°C temperature increase by 2080 in the rising Indian area. Further warming might endanger freshwater supplies. Change is expected to increase the frequency of severe weather events such as increased precipitation, droughts, rising sea levels, floods, and cyclones. Climate-induced migration from neighbouring nations may put a burden on its resources. Understanding climate change and its influence on natural resources are critical since it will affect millions of people. This article includes an overview of climate change research, potential effects on natural resources (in India), and mitigation methods.